at FUMC Bedford
Holy Week Schedule
Easter is an exciting time at FUMC Bedford! It's a time to share the Good News of Christ's unending love for us.
We invite you to celebrate the empty, a risen Savior, and our hope this Easter season.

Good Friday
7 Last Words of Christ
Follow along Jesus' journey on Calvary as we reflect on the 7 Last Words of Christ. These phrases, traditionally attributed to Jesus during the crucifixion, are gathered from the four Gospels. We invite you to join us on Good Friday for this special service contemplating Christ's sacrifice for us.
April 15
7 pm - 8 pm

Easter Garden
Easter Community Event for Families
Easter Garden is one of our favorite community events of the year. Not only do we get to share the Good News of Jesus with children and their families, it's also a lot of fun! There will be a egg hunts starting every 20 minutes, crafts and games, and brunch!
April 16
10 am - 12 pm

Easter Day Events
Sunrise Service, Breakfast,
Sunday School, Worship Service
Celebrate our risen Savior this Easter at FUMC Bedford! We'll begin Easter with a Sunrise Service at 7:00 am. There will be a light breakfast offered at 8:00, and we hope you'll plan to stay for all-church Sunday school at 9:00 in the Children's Center before we gather together to celebrate Christ's resurrection during the 10:00 worship service with a powerful message and music.